Upcoming Events




PTO Membership

Frequently Asked Questions:


Q: Are ONLY parents allowed to join the Emery Elementary PTO?

A: We need ALL the help we can get! Grandparents, extended family members and community members are also encouraged to join and help with volunteer opportunities!

Q: Does the PTO membership apply for everyone in my family?

A: Yes, everyone in your immediate family! 

Q: What happens if I have more than one child that attends Emery Elementary?

A: Simply add each child and assign their teacher when entering your information in Toolkit! You can sign-up for volunteer opportunities in their classroom when available and receive PTO updates that pertain to their class or grade.

Q: I work full time and I am not able to volunteer, why should I join?

A: Your $10 purchase helps support various school programs and events! You will also have the opportunity to vote at our PTO general meetings and MOST importantly you are showing your child that you are involved in their education! You also gain instant access to our secure membership directory! All money from membership goes directly back to students and teachers.


Additional questions/concerns? Please contact us!





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