Upcoming Events
- Friday, March 28
- Saturday, March 29
- Wednesday, April 2
- Friday, April 4
- Tuesday, April 8
- Wednesday, April 9
"Successful students make successful schools"
What is the PTO?
PTO stands for Parent-Teacher Organization. The mission of the PTO is to coordinate efforts to bring a closer relationship between home and school so parents, guardians, and teachers can cooperate in the education of Emery Elementary students. The PTO is a non-profit, 501c3 organization, so all donations are tax deductible.
Who can be a member of the PTO?
If you’re a mother, father, grandparent, guardian, or teacher, you can be a member. PTO is for all parents, working and/or stay-at-home moms and dads. It provides many avenues to volunteer, participate, and be involved in your child’s educational process.
Why should I join the PTO?
Membership in the PTO helps to support Emery and its students. Membership fees go directly to the PTO budget to support the school and therefore our students’ educational experience. Membership also gives you access to the online school directory and allows you to have a voice in PTO decisions.
How do I join the PTO?
You can join the PTO on our online store by paying the $15 family membership fee. The online store is hosted on Membership Toolkit – our secure online directory website. Click here to go to the store.
What is the Membership Toolkit and why do I need to sign up?
Membership Toolkit (MTK) is our secure online directory website. The PTO does not have access to information collected by the school or district. For us to send you emails about PTO and school events, we need you to provide us with your contact information. You can select which information you want to share in the school directory, which is only available to paid PTO members. (Some parents do not like the login feature on MTK, but this is necessary to ensure that your information is protected.)
When are the PTO meetings? Where are they held? Who can attend PTO meetings?
PTO meetings are held the 1st Friday of each month, typically at 4:15pm. PTO meetings will be held in the library at Emery Elementary. PTO meetings are open to all parents, guardians, or teachers.
Am I required to attend PTO meetings if I join the PTO?
No, PTO meetings are open to anyone. You are not required to attend PTO meetings if you join the PTO.
How does the PTO raise funds?
The PTO raises money with multiple fundraisers throughout the school year as well as private and corporate donations. You can see a list of current fundraisers in the fundraiser's tab on the Membership Tool Kit. (click here to see the list of fundraisers),
How is the money spent?
The money raised by the PTO pays for annual classroom partiesl, Staff Appreciation Week, playground equipment, End of year parties and supplies, and other events and activities the students would require throughout the year. All the money the PTO raises goes towards enhancing your child’s education at Emery Elementary.
What is the PTO’s Budget? Can I view it?
The budget is reviewed each year by the PTO and principal in order to determine the needs of our school. PTO members can receive an updated budget report at each month's PTO meeting or on our website's PTO Budget page.
How can I help/volunteer?
The PTO has many volunteer opportunities with varying levels of time commitment throughout the year to fit all schedules. In addition, there may be opportunities to volunteer/help in your child’s classroom or the school. Emails are normally sent out with a signup form when volunteers are needed. If you would like to sign up as a volunteer fill out the general volunteer form here.
Additional questions/concerns? Please contact us!